If interested please look for travel dates bestween 1st of August 2014 and 31st of March 2015 (based on travel date of your outbound flight to Asia). There are up to 2 layovers on your way to Asia on the other hand you can fly to one of the most demanding destination during European winter for very attractive fare..
Alternative - if you are planning to visit South East Asia next main tourist season 2014/2015 you may also consider still running promotional deal of China Southern Airlines offering cheap flights to Thailand (Bangkok, Phuket) from Ł323/€407!
Booking samples
Stockholm - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - Frankfurt for €380
Stockholm - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - Londonfor Ł317
Stockholm - Kuala Lumpur and Phuket - London for Ł327
Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - Frankfurt for €417
Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - London for Ł346
Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur and Phuket - London for Ł356
Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - Manchester for Ł371
Amsterdam - Kuala Lumpur and Phuket - Manchester for Ł371
Paris - Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - Frankfurt for €424
Paris - Kuala Lumpur and Bnagkok - London for Ł352
As usually we recommend to use Skyscanner as a tool giving you quickly a basic idea what are your connection possibilities from your homecity. You can then compare and book through various booking agents or directly with chosen airline.
Booking sample of cheap open-jaw flights to South East Asia for €380 here. In this case you would be flying from Stockholm to Kuala Lumpur on 5th of November. Your return flight from Bangkok back to Frankfurt would take place on 17th of November 2014.