Your return flight is routed via London giving you an option to skip the last leg between London and Manchester/Edinburgh if that would offer you cheaper solution to return back to your home city. This is recommended only in case of you travel with hand luggage. You can find these cheap flights to Los Angeles in travel peridon between 1st of November and 16th of December 2014 and 7th of January till 28th of February 2015. Travel dates are based on date of your outbound flight to America.
To check your connection possibilities we recommend to use service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which airlines are available from your home town.
Booking sample
Copenhagen/Oslo - Los Angeles/San Francisco - Manchester/Edinburgh for Ł305 (€384)
Again you can skip the last leg between London and Manchester on your return flight from USA as long as you travel with hand luggage only. However, it is not possible to book the flight from Copenhagen or Oslo and skip the first leg, your ticket would be voided then. If you are look for the cheapest solution to USA this is right time to book. Do not forget to issue ESTA Certification before your travel to USA.
Booking sample of an open jaw flight from Europe to California for just Ł305 (€384) here. In this case you would be departing from Copenhagen to Los Angeles on 8th of February and returning from USA to Manchester on 23rd of February 2015