To book the cheapest fare available you have to look for departures at the beginning of November 2014 or within January, February and March 2015. Only few travel options are however available and you should decide with your booking fast if this is a deal of your interest. In case of booking of for furhter details please visit Thomas Cook web site directly. Remember that Thomas Cook offers hand luggage in their base fare only.
Accomodation - Althought Caribbean isles do not belong to classic backpackers destinations you can still get some decent rooms for affordable fare. Taking the booking sample (travel dates 21.1. - 8.2.2015) you can get double room at Barbados already from Ł522 (based on 2 adults/1 room for 10 nights) making it total Ł572 per person for holidays during peak season in Caribbean.
The easiest way to check your connection possibilities is through Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly a rough idea which low-cost airlines are connecting your home town.
Best time to visit Barbados?
Tourism reaches its peak in Carribean isle Barbados between mid-December and mid-April, as people from colder climates tend to hit the beach. Although Barbados isn’t as crowded as, say, Puerto Rico, visiting in the high season is quite an experience. The most popular tourist areas are filled with hustling, bustling vacationers reveling in the beautiful weather and the Caribbean experience. Hotels, shops, and restaurants offer their most extensive services with a smile. This is when there is the most entertainment at the resorts, and the most people to enjoy it with. This is definitely a time for small groups, singles, couples, or groups of friends who can navigate the Carribean islands with ease. The dating scene is surely also livelier in the high season. Reservations are recommended, transportation is stretched thinner, and tours are generally more crowded.
Booking sample of a cheap roundtrip flights to Barbados in Caribbean when departing from Manchester. Air tickets are available already for Ł311 (€388) here. In this case you would be departing from UK to Barbados on 29th of January and returning back from Caribbean to Manchester on 8th of February 2015.