Promotional deal with Etihad Aiways allows to book these cheap flights to India in travel period till June 2015. If you are looking for connection flight from your home city we recommend to use look up your flight thorugh Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly and idea which airlines are available on the route you are looking for.
Booking samples
Brussels - Mumbai - Paris for €318
Brussels - Jaipur - Paris for €364
Brussels - New Delhi and Mumbai - Paris for €342
Brussels - Mumbai - Germany for €358
Brussels - Jaipur - Germany for €409
Brussels - New Delhi and Mumbai - Germany for €378
Geneva - Mumbai - Paris for €338
Milan - Mumbai - Paris for €355
Alternative - If you are looking for cheap flights to India but do not like this routing you may also consider another article - roundtrip flights to India based on various airlines currently available from €358!
Booking sample of cheap flights to India from Europe for €318 here. In this case you would be flying from Brussels to Mumbai on 19th of January. Your return flight from India back to Paris would take place on 3rd of February 2015.