Sunday 7 October 2018

Cheap flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver from €263 return!

Cheap flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver from €263 return! Thanks to Icelandair we have some super low priced flights to Canada available for travelers of The Netherlands! Note that fare is for a roundtrip incl. all taxes but there is no checked luggage in base fare. Very limited availability in winter season thought so if you like it do not wait too long, the cheapest option will surely not last long..Take advantage of this Icelandair promotion and book cheap flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver.

Icelandair promo sale offers the cheapest flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver in November 2018 or January to March 2019. This is based on latest inbound date from Canada back to The Netherlands. At this moment very limited availability so hurry up with your booking if you like this offer. Max stay 1 month. You can book cheapest flights Brussels Vancouver by 15th of October 2018. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel samples.

Vancouver is the largest metropolitan area in Western Canada, and third largest in Canada, with a population of 2.6 million. Located at the southwestern corner of the coastal province of British Columbia, it is well known for its majestic natural beauty, as it is nestled between the Coast Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. It is frequently ranked as one of the "best cities to live in" and is certainly a beautiful destination to visit. If you have booked these cheap flighs from Amsterdam to Vancouver you can read more about this city at Wikitravel.

Travel dates.: Compare the cheapest flights Amsterdam-Vancouver at website of the carrier.

Booking sample
Amsterdam - Vancouver from €263

Travel samples
Amsterdam - Vancouver - Amsterdam
6. - 23.11.
22.11. - 5.12.
24.11. - 7.12.
15. - 30.1.
19.1. - 1.2.
22.1. - 6.2.
26.1. - 8.2.
27.1. - 11.2.
29.1. - 13.2.
5. - 20.2.
9. - 22.2.
12. - 27.2.
19.2. - 4.3.
10. - 25.3.
12. - 27.3.
17. - 31.3.

Need affordable hotel in Canada book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via

Booking sample of cheap flights from Amsterdam to Vancouver from €263 return here. Your outbound date from The Netherlands to Canada would be on 6th of November. Inbound flight from this North America city back to Amsterdam on 23rd of November. Take advantage of this latest promotion from Netherlands to Canada and book the cheapest flights from Amsterdam-Vancouver!