Friday 12 October 2018

Cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Johannesburg, South Africa from €338!

If you are flexible traveler who can depart from Amsterdam to Republic of South Africa you can book greatly discounted return flights to Johannesburg already for €338! This fare is inclusive of all taxes and fees as well as checked bag. Deal is based on service of a Star Alliance carreir EgyptAir with one short layover in Cairo. Only very limited availability this spring so hurry up if you want to book such a cheap deal from Europe to South Africa..

Limited availability in November 2018 or end of January to 30th of May 2019. (Latest date of your inbound flight from Johannesburg back to Amsterdam has to be 7th of July). EgyptAir sale is running till 31st of October however be sure that the cheapest seats will not last long..Below you will find our booking as well as few travel date samples.

Booking samples 
Amsterdam - Johannesburg from €338

Europe - Johannesburg from €374  (British Airways / Iberia)

Travel samples
11. - 18.11.
15. - 23.11.
18. - 25.11.
22.11. - 2.12.
29.11. - 9.12.
27.1. - 8.2.
3. - 10.2.
3. - 17.3.
10. - 27.3.
24.3. - 7.4.
23.4. - 5.5.
28.4. - 13.5.
5. - 13.5.
12. - 26.5.
28.5. - 10.6.
30.5. - 19.6.

To check your connection possibilities to Amsterdam from your hometown you can use Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which low-cost airlines are available  from your home city. You can check some cheap accommodation using service of or

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Amsterdam to Johannesburg, South Africa from €338 here. As per our booking sample you would fly from The Netherlands to RSA on 12th of May and return from this African country back to Europe on 26th of May 2019.