Tuesday 23 October 2018

Cheap flights from Amsterdam to Colombia (Medellín, Cali, Cartagena) from €383 return!

Another good solution from Europe to Colombia with SkyTeam airlines Air Europa and their local partner Copa. After our solution from Germany you can also consider discounted return flights from Amterdam to Medellín available from €383! This is incl. all taxes and onboard meals however excluding checked bag. There are two layovers (Madrid, Panama City) on your way you would have to accept if you want the cheapest solution available. Very limited availability thought so hurry up with this one if this is interesting solution for you..

Air Europa promotion offers the cheapest solution when travelling from 27th of February to end of March and 1st to 31st of May 2019. (Also latest date of your inbound flight from South Ameria to the Netherlands). Max stay 90 days but you must complete all travel by . Book this Air Europa discount offer by 26th of October or until sold out..Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel date samples on route Amsterdam-Medellín, Colombia..

Booking samples
Amsterdam - Medellín from €383
Amsterdam - Cali from €427
Amsterdam - Cartagena from €435

Travel samples
27.2. - 15.3.
6. - 19.3.
10. - 22.3.
13. - 26.3.
15. - 29.3.
17.3. - 1.4.
20.3. - 4.4.
27.3. - 11.4.
12. - 24.5.
19. - 27.5.

If you would need affordable hotel in Colombia you can book your accommodation via Booking.com or Hotels.com.

Booking sample of cheap flights from Amsterdam to Colombia from €383 return here. As per our above link to this deal your outbound date from the Netherlands to Medellín would be on 15th of March. Inbound flight from South America back to Amsterdam on 29th of March 2019.