Tuesday 16 October 2018

Cheap flights from Dublin or Paris to Abidjan, Ivory Coast from €225 return!

Experienced travelers may consider currently discounted return flights from Dublin or Paris to Abidjan, the largest city (and economic centre) of Ivory Coast. (Côte d'Ivoire). This promotion is based on service of TAP Portugal with one layover in Lisbon. The cheapest return flights are available already for €225!  Fare is inclusive of all taxes but excluding checked luggage.

TAP Portugal offers the cheapest flights from Dublin to Ivory Coast when traveling from 31st of March to end of June 2019. Deal from France is available from November 2018. (Except dates around Christmas Holidays). Below you can refer to our booking samples you can easily compare all the cheapest travel dates directly at website of the airlines.

Booking samples
Dublin - Abidjan from €225
Paris - Abidjan from €231
Italy - Abidjan from €289

Need affordable hotel in Ivory Coast you can book your accommodation via Booking.com or you can use this Hotels.com discount code.

Booking sample of cheap flights from Dublin or Paris to Abidjan, Ivory Coast from €225 return here. As per above deal date of your outbound flight from Ireland to Abidjan would be on 6th of May. Return from Africa back to Dublin on Friday, 17th of May 2019.