This Vueling promotional sale and discount code is valid for flights in travel period between 1st to 23rd of June 2015. This is however valid for selected routes only. Check out here full list of possible routings from your origin if interested in this Vueling promotional sale 2015. To benefit from this latest sale with Vueling you have to use their new discount code during booking process. Simply use promo code "VUELING2x1" once you select your routing and your flight will be instantly discounted. (again firstly check the list of possible routes if you are planning to benefit from this promotion). As per below booking sample you may book return flights from London to Rome for just £31 in June 2015!
Booking sample of successfully applied discount code with Vueling here. In this case you would be flying from UK (London) to Italy (Rome) in June 2015. Your return ticket would cost just €85 (£62) that means €42,50/£31 per person! Remenber this promo code is valid to use for every second seat in your booking.