It seems that the cheapest flights is possible to find within December 2015 and from January till end of February 2016. This is fare for a return ticket with hand luggage only. (checked in luggage up to 20kgs should be available for additional €16). To compare some affordable hotel rooms in Caribbean you may use our tool here.
Booking samples
NL - Eindhoven - Curacao for €308
DE - Eindhoven - Curacao for €304
EN - Eindhoven - Curacao for £240
Travel date samples
2. - 12.12.
9. - 19.12.
13. - 23.1.2016
20. - 30.1.
10. - 20.2.
Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Netherlands to Curacao €304 (main season 2016!) here. In this case you would be departing from Eindhoven to Caribbean on 13th of January and returning from Curacao back to Europe on 24th of January 2016.