To book the cheapest fare available you have to look for departures ex Brussels or Italy to Seychelles then to Johannesburg in South Africa and with return flights back either to main airports in Germany. (Frankfurt, Dusseldorf, Berlin, Munich..), Paris or Dublin. In addition you may also consider to visit United Arab Emirates and book another multi-stop in Abu Dhabi for a bit higher fare. If interested in this Etihad Airways promotional offer (together with Air Seychelles) please look for flights in travel period till end of June and from 23rd of August till November 2015. (your return flight to Europe has to be latest on 27th of November).
Booking samples
DE - Brussels - Seychelles - Johannesburg - Germany/Paris from €467
NL - Brussels - Seychelles - Johannesburg - Germany/Paris from €458 (+€22 booking fee)
Italy - Seychelles - Johannesburg - Germany for €482
Brussels - Seychelles - Johannesburg - Dublin for €558 / £395
Brussels- Seychelles - Johannesburg - Abu Dhabi - Germany for €591
Travel days
Brussels- Seychelles - any day except Friday
Seychelles - Johannesburg on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday or Sunday
Johannesburg - Europe on Wednesday or Friday
To compare some affordable accommodation you may use our searching tool - please check here hotels in Seychelles or Johannesburg.
All cities, Milan, Rome, Brussels, Paris, Dublin or main airports in Germany are easily reachable from other European cities by many low-cost airlines. We recommend to use service of Skyscanner to quickly find out which low-cost airline is connected from your hometown.
Booking sample of cheap multi city flights to Seychelles and Johannesburg at once for €467 here. In this case you would be flying from Brussels to Mahe Island on 8th of November. Your next flight from Seychelles to Johannesburg would take place on 15th of November. Finally you will return from South Africa back to Germany (Frankfurt) on 27th of November 2015.