In case of interest you may find the cheapest flights to this African country when departing till the end of May 2015. We are adding travel date samples below. Althought Zambia is considered as safe country compared to other African countries please check all the requirements including mandatory vaccination prior booking.
Booking samples
Germany - Zambia (Ndola) from €483
Frankfurt - Zambia (Lusaka) from €483
Munich/Berlin - Zambia (Lusaka) from €526
Dusseldorf - Zambia (Lusaka) from €547
Germany - Ndola and Lusaka - Germany for €480
Travel dates are the easiest to check here using +- 3 days searching tool. To check your connection possibilities we recommend to use Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which low-cost airlines are calling chose airport of departure in Gemrany from your home city.
Booking sample of a roundtrip flight from Germany to Zambia for just €483 here. In this case you would be departing from Frankfurt to Lusaka on 31st of May and returning back from Africa to Germany on 14th of June 2015.