These flights are operated by British Airways and their partner American Airlines. Limited travel options are available mainly when booking your ticket till end of March 2015. (based on date of your departure to USA). To compare accommodation in USA offered by most of leading booking sites you can use our tool.
Booking samples
DE - Sweden - San Francisco and Honolulu - UK (London, Manchester, Edinburgh) from €414
EN - Stockholm/Goteborg - San Francisco and Honolulu - UK from Ł334
Stockholm/Goteborg - San Francisco and Honolulu - Germany for €522
Stockholm/Goteborg - San Francisco and Honolulu - Brussels/Amsterdam from €466 (+€22 booking fee)
+ one-way ticket between California (Los Angeles) to Hawaii (Honolulu) for €119/Ł92. Checked in luggage is not included in base fare and you would have to add $35 for up to 18kgs checked-in bag.
Sample itinerary:
Sweden to San Francisco on 9th of February 2015
moving from San Francisco to Los Angeles on your own
Los Angeles to Honolulu on 22nd of February 2015
Honolulu to Europe on 5th of March 2015
We recommend to check your connection possibilities with Stockholm/Goteborg through service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which airlines are available from your homecity.
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to California and Hawaii at once already for €533 here .In this case you would be departing from Stockholm to San Francisco on 9th of February. Your return flight from Honolulu back to London would be on 5th of March 2015. You would have to book additional one-way ticket between California to Hawaii as per booking sample below.