Travel possibilities vary depends on the destination you choose. Return flights are operated through Germany with longer layover giving you an interesting solution to skip last leg (Frankfurt - Luxembourg). This is recommended only in case of you travel with hand luggage only.
Travel dates - limited travel options are available till October 2015 including summer holidays 2015. Easiest way to check travel options is through Ebookers using "+- 3 days" searching too.
Booking samples
DE - Luxembourg to Las Vegas, Miami, Phoenix, Dallas or Austin from €344
EN - Luxembourg to Las Vegas, Miami, Phoenix, Dallas or Austin from Ł264
Return flights from LUX to New York during summer holidays 2015 based on British Airways
DE - Luxembourg - New York from €354
EN - Luxembourg - New York form Ł272
How to reach Luxembourg: Apart of to purchase one way tickets to Luxembourg by air you may also use the service of (If you can easily reach either Brussels or Frankfurt). Bus tickets from these cities to Luxembourg are available from just €5. If you still prefer to book some cheap connection flights from your hometown we recommend to use Skyscanner tool. If you are looking for some affordable accommodation in USA you may compare hotel rooms via this tool.
Booking sample of cheap return flights to Las Vegas, New York, Miami etc. from Lux from €344 here. (summer 2015). In this case you would be flying from Lux to Las Vegas on 9th of August. You return flight from America back to Europe would take place on 21st of August 2015.