Travel days - vary for each destination, easiest way is to use "+- 3 days" searching tool with Ebookers and adjust the search to your travel days and destination. To book the cheapest flights to USA available please look for travel dates within January till March 2015. If you want to compare some affordable accommodation in USA with most of leading booking sites you may use our tool here.
Booking samples
Vienna - Philadelphia for €317
Vienna - Seattle for €327
Vienna - Houston for €339
Vienna - Washington for €364
Vienna - Dallas for €346
Vienna - Boston for €347
Vienna - Montreal for €354
Vienna - Mexico City for €440
As this deal is an attractive solution not just for travellers within Austria we recommend to check your connection possibilities through service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which airlines are available from your homecity.
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Vienna to USA for €317 here. In this case you would be departing from Austria to Philadelphia on 16th of February. Your return flight from America back to Vienna is on 26th of February 2015.