As these are mostly last minute deals you can find the cheapest flights to Caribbean from Europe mostly at the end of January and beginning of February 2015. Caribbean destinations definitely do not belong to classic backpackers places. To make an idea how much you would have to pay for hotel room you may compare accommodation offered by most of leading booking sites using our tool.
Before you book - in some cases there is not included checked in luggage (i.e. Thomson Airways ex UK airports), please check directly with the booking agent or airline what the exact conditions are.
Booking samples
Flights from Gemrany
Hamburg - Dominican Republic for €315 (cheapest travel dates are 17.-31.1. or 24.-31.1.)
Hamburg - Mexico (Cancun) for €315 (cheapest travel date is 18.1. - 1.2.
Frankfurt/Munich to Dominican Republic for €381
Flight from Belgium
Brussels - Jamaica for €334 (+€30 fee per booking, travel date sample 21. - 31.1.2015)
Flights from UK
London - Dominican Republic (Puerto Plata) for Ł269
London - Dominican republic (Punta Cana) for Ł269
Manchester - Dominican Republic (Puerto Plata) for Ł269
Manchester - Dominican Republic (Punta Cana) for Ł269
London - Mexico (Cancun) for Ł269
Manchester - Mexico (Cancun) for Ł272
East Midlands - Jamaica for Ł249
London - Jamaica for Ł251
Manchester - Jamaica for Ł275
Cardiff - Jamaica for Ł288
Birmingham - Jamaica for Ł295
As this deal is an attractive solution not just for travellers within UK we recommend to check your connection possibilities through service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which airlines are available from your homecity.
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to exotic Caribbean for €315 here. In this case you would be departing from Hamburg to Dominican Republic (Punta Cana) on 24th of January. Your return flight from Caribbean beachside back to Germany would be on 31st of January 2015.