This possible error fare deal with KLM is available in travel period till 30th of June 2015. Min stay 6 days and max stay in Brazil 1 month. Booking to be done till 22nd of March or until sold out. All these European cities are easy to reach either by bus or low cost airlines. To check your connection possibilities from your home town directly you may check through Skyscanner. Cheap accommodation in Brazil is possible to compare and book here.
Before you book - The cheapest flights to Brazil are available when departing from Brussels Midi Station by railway to Amsterdam (via Antwerp). For a bit higher fare (approx €20) you may consider to book return flights from Brussels main airport. You would then fly directly from Amsterdam to Sao Paulo. In both cases you can not skip first leg of your outbound journey otherwise your ticket would be voided. You may however skip the last leg when you return back from Amsterdam, we recommend this only if you travel with hand luggage. Please refer to below booking samples if interested in this amazing promotion from KLM.
Booking samples
DE - Brussels - Sao Paulo for €313
NL - Brussels - Sao Paulo for €324 (+€22 booking fee)
EN - Brussels - Sao Paulo for £234
DE - Luxembourg - Sao Paulo for €317
NL - Luxembourg - Sao Paulo for €328 (+€22 booking fee)
EN - Luxembourg - Sao Paulo for £237
Currently plenty of travel options to Brazil are available even flights during weekend. Again consider as possible error fare deal that can be fixed any time soon so you better hurry up with your booking if interested in this amazing deal to South America..
Booking sample of cheap return flights from Europe to Brazil for €313 here. In this case you would be flying from Brussels Midi Station to Sao Paulo on 17th of April and returning from Brazil back to Europe on 2nd of May 2015.