Dominican Republic is second largest Isle in Caribbean sea right after Cuba and most of the coastline is unspoilt with splendid white-sand beaches and photogenic palm trees. But, unlikely to other small islands in Caribbean monopolized by tourism, there is still plenty of activities to do and ways how to experience classic and genuine Dominican life. Cheap flights from UK (Manchester, London Gatwick) to Punta Cana, exotic beach sides in amazing Caribbean sea, are available from just £269. Please remember that base fare includes hand luggage up to 5kgs only.
Accommodation - to compare some affordable hotel room in Dominican Republic you may check here.
Booking samples
London - Punta Cana for £279
Manchester - Puntta Cana for £269
Thanks to London and Manchester are connected by various low-cost airlines this is in fact great offer to many travelers not just from UK. You will have also opportunity to fly on board of brand new Boeing 787 Dreamliner.. To check your connection possibilities we recommend to use service of Skyscanner.
Booking sample of cheap flights from UK to Dominican Republic for £269 here. In this case you will be departing from Manchester to Punta Cana on 9th of April. Your return flight from Caribbean back to UK would be on 23rd of April 2015.