Wednesday 2 July 2014

Cheap roundtrip flights to Bali from London for Ł497!

Flexible travellers that can plan their holidays in advance may consider fair deal of Royal Brunei Airlines offering roundtrip flights from London to Densapar Bali for Ł497 (€621). There is one stop-over on your way in Brunei and you would have also possibility to visit this contry on your return way as there is longer layover on your return flight. If interested please look for travel dates within May 2015. Right now plenty of travel options are still availalble.. Once you get to Bali you may enjoy various levels of accomodation from budget guesthouses available for few bucks till luxurous hotel chains. Bali is one of the tropical destinations in Asia on our list of top exotic destinations you can afford! Booking sample of cheap roundtrip flights to Bali from London for Ł497. In this case you would be departing from UK to Densapar Bali on 5th of May and returning from Indonesia back to London on 21st of May 2015