If interested to book this promotional offer with Alitalia please look for travel dates within September till 25th of October 2014. However, there are very limited travel options and in some cases only few tickets left so you better hurry up with the booking if interested. Please also note that you would have to accept longer stop-over in Rome on your way to Algeria. On the other hand you may visit this country for very attractive fare. We are adding few travel date samples below.
Booking samples
London - Oran for Ł159 (Budgetair)
London - Oran for Ł165 (Expedia)
As an alterinative you may consider to book roundtrip flight from UK or Germany to Algier with Air France.
Edinburgh - Algier for Ł184
Germany - Algier from €247
Travel date samples (London - Oran)
6. - 21.9.
14. - 23.9.
27.9. - 12.10.
2. - 14.10.
9. - 19.10.
Booking sample of cheap flights to Algeria from London. In this case you would be flying from London Heathrow to Oran on13th of September. Your return flight from Algeria back to London City Airport would take place on 24th of September 2014.