The easiest way to check connection possibilities to Dublin from your hometown is through Skyscanner. Again you may find the cheapest flights to Cook Islands and Vanuatu in travel period between September till December 2014 and between February and May 2015. In this cas flights to both Tonga and Cook Islands are available through booking agent Orbitz. Use “+-3 days” search tool to perform best result available. We are adding sample of the booking below the post.
Booking samples
Dublin to Port Vila (Vanuatu) for $1034 (€770)
Dublin - Rarotonga (Cook Islands) for $1072 (€798)
Apart of this deal you may also consider to fly to Samoa, FIji or Tonga from €753! If you are dreaming about to visit this amazing tropical islands you should book the soonest possible. This is an incredible opportunity as the usual price is nearly double this price.
Booking sample of a round-trip flight from Ireland to Vanuatu for $1037 here. In this case you would be departing from Dublin to Port Vilaon 11th of May and returning back from Polynesia to Dublin on 27th of May 2015.