One more solution from Italy to South America with SkyTeam airlines available! After our deal from many Italian airports to many cities in Colombia you can consider another awesome promotion this time with Air France-KLM. (And their local partners). The cheapest flights from €424 incl. all taxes and meals. No checked bag in base fare thought. Look for flights departing from Venice, Rome, Florence, Bologna, Turin or Milan. At this moment good availability even during local summer season which is perfect time to plan your trip to visit amazing Pagatonia!
Promotion with Air France/KLM is available from September 2019 to March 2020. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. Max stay 3 months. You can book discount to Chile till 11th of July or until the cheapest seats last..Need your hotel in Santiago in Chile in advance you can use or currently valid discount code. Want to compare all the cheapest travel dates simply follow below link to the website of the airline.
Booking samples
Italy - Colombia from €393
Bologna - Santiago de Chile from €424
Florence - Santiago de Chile from €425
Turin - Santiago de Chile from €427
Milan - Santiago de Chile from €429
Rome - Santiago de Chile from €429
Venice - Santiago de Chile from €429
Booking sample of promotion of Air France/KLM below. Cheap flights from Italy to Santiago de Chile from €424 return here. As per our booking sample you would depart from Bologna to Chile on 31st of January. Return from this South American country back to Europe on Sunday, 16th of February 2020.