Tuesday 23 July 2019

Amsterdam to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €328!

Cheap flights from Amsterdam to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €328! Another discounted deal from The Netherlands to Africa are return flights from Amsterdam to Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia. Offer is based on service of Turkish Airlines. (Star Alliance). Flights have one short layover in Istanbul and are inclusive of all taxes and fees as well as checked-in luggage.

Turkish Airlines promotionial tariff allows to book the cheapest flights from 16th of September till 10th of December 2018 or 1st of January to 23rd of March 2019. Max stay 12 months. Book discounted seats by end of August or until the cheapest seats last..Seeps you have to look for flights departing from Amsterdam to Uganda on Thursday, Saturday or Sunday.

Booking sample
Amsterdam - Addis Ababa from €328
Amsterdam - Johannesburg from €353
Amsterdam - Kenya from €356
Amsterdam - Uganda from €356

Travel samples Amsterdam - Addis Ababa - Amsterdam
11. - 24.9.
30.9. - 12.10.
7. - 21.10.
11. - 26.10.
30.10. - 11.11.
4. - 18.11.
11. - 25.11.
13. - 28.11.
18.11. - 2.12.
2. - 16.12.
4. - 19.12.
9. - 24.12.
20.1. - 3.2.
27.1. - 10.2.
3. - 25.2.

If you need affordable accommodation in Addis Ababa you can use hotel booking sites such as Booking.com or Hotels.com.

Booking sample of cheap flights from Amsterdam to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from €328! As per our booking sample you would depart from The Netherlands to Ethiopia on 11th of November. Inbound flight from this African country back to Europe on 25th of November 2019. Enjoy latest promotional sale and book very cheap flights from Amsterdam to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia!