Thursday 14 June 2018

Cheap non-stop flights from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia £348! (Last-minute deal)

Cheap non-stop flights from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia now available based on Ethiopian Airlines promotion. This is kind of a last minute deal thought so you have to be flexible and able to depart till end of June. If you can you can book very cheap flights form London Heathrow to Addis Ababa, the capital and largest city of Ethiopia already for £348. (INcl. all taxes, on board meals and checked-in luggage). Very limited availability based on this Star Alliance carrier, below you can find more details of this offer..

Ethiopian Airlines offer is available only when departing from London to Addis Abeba in June 2018. Max stay 12 months. Book this discount by 25th of June or until the cheapest seats last.. You can book your accommodation in Ethiopia via or Below you will find our booking and all travel date samples currently available at the cheapest cost.

Booking sample
London - Addis Ababa from £348

Travel samples
17. - 30.6.
20.6. - 3.7.
24.6. - 7.7.
27.6. - 10.7.

Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from London to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia £348 here. As per travel dates in our above link you would fly from London Heathrow to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia on 24th of June. Inbound flight from Africa back to the United Kingdom on 7th of July 2018. Considering this is a non-stop service these are one of the cheapest flights we have ever spotted on route from London to Ethiopia.