Friday 29 June 2018

Cheap non-stop flights from Ireland to New York from €287!

Based on joint service of either Air France / KLM and Delta Airlines or United / Lufthansa we have some great solution for travelers in Ireland to book very cheap non-stop flights to New York! Air tickets between these cities and New York are available from just €287! Take the opportunity and visit "The Big Apple" for such a great price. This is a price for a roundtrip flight including all taxes and fees. Note that checked in luggage is included in not included available to book separately for extra cost.Also adding even cheaper solution with a layover available from €260..

In both cases you will find the cheapest flights between 1st of April and 24th of June 2018 also end of August to October. For a bit higher fare you can also find limited travel options in Q1 of 2018. Below please find further details where and how to book in case of interest. Air France / KLM promotion is running till 10th of July or until the cheapest tariff lasts..However only few travel date possibilities and seats are available. Hurry up with your booking if this is a deal you were looking for..

Booking samples
Dublin - New York from €287 
Shannon - New York from €321

Dublin - New York from €260  (Flight with la ayover)
Cork - New York from €291  (Flight with a layover)

Once you reach New York you will find various styles and types of accomodation. If you are looking for nice safe but still budget accomodation we recommend to look for the hotels in Queens. It is still close to central New York area yet for much cheaper price. Hotel rooms are available already from $30 including american breakfast.. We recommend service of or if you want to book your accommodation in advance.

Booking sample of a cheap non-stop flights from Irelanx to New York for €287 here. In this case you would be departing from Dublin to New York on 4th of November and returning back from USA on 18th of November 2018. For slightly higher fare you can also fly from Shannon to New York with SkyTeam carriers Air France / KLM and Delta Air Lines.