After our deal from the UK to Cameroon we have another suggestion for experienced travelers and read adventurers based on current promotion of Air France! These roundtrip flights from Manchester, Birmingham, Edinburgh, Newcastle or London and Cotonou are available already for £349 for a roundtrip. This is inclusive of all taxes, onboard meals and checked bag. There is just one short layover in Paris on the way.. We recommend to check all entry requirements including vaccination (Yellow Fewer is mandatory) before you book your flight.
Air France offer the cheapest flights when traveling from Sepember to beginning of December 2019. Max stay in Benin 3 months. Book this promotion by 12th of July or available until the cheapest seats sold out..Below you can refer to our booking samples. You can easily compare all the cheapest travel dates at website of the airlines..
Booking samples
Manchester - Cotonou for £349
Birmingham - Cotonou for £349
London - Cotonou for £354
Edinburgh - Cotonou for £378
Newcastle - Cotonou for £378
As Benin used to be French colony you have to expect that most of people will speak French only. Benin can also offer quite beautiful sandy beaches giving you an option to relax after you explore this indeed an interesting country.
Booking sample of cheap Air France flights from the UK to Cotonou, Benin from £349 here. In this case you would be departing from Manchester to this African destination on Saturday, 9th of November. Inbound from Benin back to the United Kingdom on 23rd of November 2019.