Wednesday 20 February 2019

Cheap flights to Beijing from London £318 or Rome €327!

Ukraine International Airlines offer bargain deal from London to Beijing with prices starting at just £318 for a roundtrip including all taxes, meals and checked luggage. (Most of the flights have just short layover in Kiev but some travel dates may require longer stop). Also adding even cheaper option from Rome althought very limited availability also kind of a last minute deal and you would have to be able to depart in next few weeks..Flights from Italy to Beijing available already for €327..

If interested in this offer you will find the cheapest flights from London to Bejing from now till first half of June 2019. (Based on latest inbound date from China to the United Kingdom). Promotion from Rome is valid only for flights departing to Beijing in March 2019. Need affordable accommodation in Beijing we suggest to book through, or Max stay in China 1 month. Book this discount by 7th of March or until sold out..

Booking samples
London - Beijing from £318
Rome - Beijing from €327  (available in March only)

Travel samples London - Beijing - London
4. - 11.3.
10. - 18.3.
14. - 23.3.
17. - 25.3.
25.3. - 1.4.
30.3. - 14.4.
1.4. - 8.4.
7. - 24.4.
14. - 30.4.
21.4. - 5.5.
28.4. - 11.5.
6. - 20.5.
19.5. - 3.6.
25.5. - 8.6.

Travel samples Rome - Beijing - Rome
24.2. - 11.3.
6. - 18.3.
13. - 25.3.
15. - 27.3.
24.3. - 7.4.
27.3. - 12.4.

Booking sample of  cheap flights to Beijing from London £318 or Rome €327 here. In this caes you would depart from the UK to Beijing on 30th of March. Return from Asia back to London Gatwick on 14th of April 2019.