Thursday 15 November 2018

Non-stop flights from Madrid to Chengdu in China from €417 return..

Beijing Capital Airlines offer fairly priced non-stop flights between Madrid and Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province. You can book roundtrip flights from €417 incl. all taxes, meals and two checked bags max 23kg each. Availability in winter schedlue 2018/2019. If you appreciate direct service rather than the cheapest offer available this is some good solution to this part of China..

Beijing Capital Airlines offer those non-stop flights Madrid to Chengu when traveling from 27th of November 2018 to 30th of March 2019. Quite limited availability thought...Below you will find all outbound travel dates available at the cheapest price. Book this deal by end of December.

Booking sample
Madrid - Chengdu from €417

Copenhagen - Cnengdu from €348

Travel days wtih Beijing Capital.: Look for both outbound / inbound flights on Tuesday or Saturday.

Travel sammples from Madrid to Chengdu
27.11. - 4.12.
15. - 22.12.
18. - 25.12.
25.12. - 1.1.
5. - 15.1.
12. - 22.1.
23.2. - 2.3.
26.2. - 5.3.
9. - 19.3.
16. - 23.3.
19. - 26.3.
23. - 30.3.

Your connection flight possibilities from your home city is fastest to check through Skyscanner. To book some afforeable accommodation in Chengdu, China you may use or consider following promo codes that offers

Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Madrid to Chengdu in China from €417 return here...As per our link to this deal date of your flight from Spain to Chengdu would be on 16th of March. Inbound flight from China back to Copenhagen on Saturday, 23rd of March 2019.