Friday 21 September 2018

Cheap flights from Milan or Rome to Colombo, Sri Lanka from €365 return!

Cheap flights from Italy to Colombo, Sri Lanka from €365 return! Find the lowest priced deals Italy Sri Lanka and book your next cheap flights from Milan to Colombo based on promotion of Kenya Airways! ood thing about Sri Lanka is that its “round the year” destination there is always a good time to visit at least some part of the country. If you are budget travelers in Italy looking for the cheapest flights to Sri Lanka also during next main tourist season 2018/2019 do not miss this sale. Based on discount of Kuwait Airways you can book return flights from Milan to Colombo with one layover in Kuwait. Fare is including all taxes, onboard meals and checked-in bag. Looking for a bargain deal to Sri Lanka next main tourist season do not miss this Kuwait Airways promotion and book cheap flights from Milan to Colombo, the largest city of incredible Sri Lanka.

Kuwait Airways promo sale offers the cheapest flights from Milan or Rome to Colombo from 29th of October 2018 to 31st of March 2019. Blackout period around Christmas Holidays. (Outbound flight). At this moment good availability next winter which is perfect time to visit Sri Lanka. Max stay 3 months. You can book cheapest flights Milan Sri Lanka by 30th of September 2018. Below you can refer to our booking as well as few travel samples.

Sri Lanka, formerly known as Ceylon, is in Southern Asia. It is an island country in the Indian Ocean, south of India. Colombo is the largest city and the financial and commercial capital of Sri Lanka. If you have booked these cheap flighs from Milan to Sri lanka you can read more about this beautiful country at Wikitravel.

Travel dates.: Compare the cheapest flights Milan or Rome-Colombo at website of the carrier.

Booking sample
Milan - Colombo, Sri Lanka from €365
Rome - Colombo, Sri Lanka from €381

Travel samples
Milan - Sri Lanka - Milan
3. - 17.11.
10. - 24.11.
1.12 - 14.12.
13. - 27.12.
15. - 29.12.
19.1. - 2.2.
26.1. - 9.2.
9. - 23.2.
16.2. - 2.3.
28.2. - 14.3.
2. - 16.3.
23.3. - 6.4.
30.3. - 15.4.

Rome - Sri Lanka - Rome
30.10. - 13.11.
4. - 17.11.
11. - 27.11.
18.11. - 4.12.
2. - 18.12.
11. - 25.12.
13. - 29.1.
20.1. - 5.2.
3. - 19.2.
10. - 26.2.
24.2. - 12.3.
17. - 31.3.
31.3. - 16.4.

Best time to travel to Sri Lanka is between the main rainy seasons. The period from November to April is the driest season on the south west coast and up in the hills. Here, some of the best beaches and many other places of tourist interest are located. Therefore, period between November and April is the best time to visit this region and this period is also considered as tourist season in Srilanka. May to September is the best time to visit east coast, as it is dry during this period.

Need affordable hotel in Colombo book your accommodation via or If you have booked these cheap flights from Milan to Sri Lanka you can also compare best prices for car rental in this destination via

Booking sample of cheap flights from Milan to Colombo, Sri Lanka from €365 return here. Your outbound date from Italy to Sri Lanka would be on 19th of January. Inbound flight from this Southern Asian country back to Milan on 2nd of February 2019. Take advantage of this latest promotion from Italy to Sri Lanka and book the cheapest flights from Milan to Colombo!