Saturday 11 August 2018

Cheap flights from Brussels to San Francisco or Los Angeles from €319 incl. 23kg bag!

Cheap return flights from Brussels to San Francisco or Los Angeles from €319! Great opportunity for travelers in Belgium to book attractive return flights to California based on joint service of Virgin Atlantic and British Airways. This time you can book very cheap return flights from Brussels to San Francisco or Los Angeles already for €319. Round trip tickets with one short layover in London are inclusive of all taxes as well as checked bag. (Max 23kgs). Want to visit sunny california also late summer this is excellent option if you can easily reach Brussels..We are also adding open-jaw flight which is perfect solution to travel California without return back to city of arrival..

Travel restriction of this Virgin Atlantic / British Airways promotion allows to book the cheapest flights from 31st of August to 23rd of November 2018 or 7th of January to 21st of March 2019. Based on date of your outbound flight from Brussels to California. Max stay 12 months. Discount is available till 15th of August or until sold out..If you want book your hotel room in San Francisco in advance we recommend service of Below you can refer to our below sample as well as another similar deals from Europe to California.

Booking sample
Brussels - San Francisco from €319
Brussels - Los Angeles from €319
Brussels - Miami fom €296
Brussels - Vancouver from €312

Open-jaw flights:
Brussels - San Francisco & Los Angeles Brussels from €335

Booking sample of newest promotional sale of Virgin Atlantic and British Airways offering greatly discounted deals from Belgium to California here. In this case your outbound flight from Brussels to San Francisco would be on Saturday, 10th of November and you will return two weeks later. on 24th of November 2018. You would pay total €319 for a round trip incl checked-in luggage.