Sunday 15 July 2018

Cheap flights from Paris to Havana, Cuba from €352!

Cheap non-stop flights from Paris to Havana, Cuba from €352! French carrier Air Caraibes with its HQ in Guadeloupe has just greatly discounted flights between Paris Orly and Havana, capital of Cuba, an amazing island in the Caribbean Sea. If you want visit Cuba out of main tourist season you can now book cheap non-stop flights from Paris to Havana already for €352! This is for a round trip including all charges and fees however excluding checked in bag. Note that October is end of a rainy season so check what weather to expect before you book this deal...(or stick to travel dates at the end of validity of this promotional tariff with Air Caraibes..).

Air Caraibes promotion is valid for flights in travel period between 12th of October and 12th of December 2018. Latest date of your return flight rom this Caribbean isle to Europe has to be 19th of December. Max stay 1 month. Book discounted deals by 25th of July or until the cheapest seats last..Below you will find our booking and some travel options.

Booking sample
Paris Orly - Havana from €352

Italy - Havana, Cuba from €362
Brussels - Varadero, Cuba from €396

Travel samples Paris - Havana
12. - 24.10.
24.10. - 7.11.
31.10. - 14.11.
7. - 20.11.
17. - 28.11.
21.11. - 5.12.
24.11. - 8.12.
28.11. - 11.12.
1.12. - 12.12.

If you are looking for some cheap connection flight to Paris Orly from your home city we recommend to use service of Skyscanner. This tool gives you quickly an idea which low-cost carrier offers the best solution. If you want to secure your accommodation in Havana, Cuba in advance we recommend service of

Booking sample of cheap non-stop flights from Paris to Havana, Cuba from €352 here. In this case you would be departing from France to Havana on 12th of Ocrober. Your return flight from tropical Caribbean island to Europe would be then on 24th of October 2018.