Thursday 18 January 2018

Last-minute flights from Brussels to Cape Verde from €160!

Flexible travellers looking for some good solution to exotic holiday destination have some great option when flying from Brussels to Cape Verde using service of charger airlines TUIfly. Return tickets are now available already for €160. Note that only hand luggage is included in base fare. Checked luggage up to 20kg is available for additional €20 round-trip.

At this moment only two travel options are available at the lowest fare. You have to look for flights departing in January 2018. Please refer to below booking sample with all available travel options if interested in this deal.

Booking sample
Brussels - Cape Verde (Sal) from €160
Brussels - Cape Verde (Boa Vista) from €160

Every isle of Cape Verde archipelago boasts its own unique history and selection of landmarks. From sandy beaches, charming local villages, numerous volcanoes till different mix of cuisine and culture. Hence the art of "island hopping" is preferred choice of visitors. (traveling across multiple islands to experience all the difference each of the islands offer).

If you plan to book these cheap flights to Cape Verde you may compare connection flights from your hometown using service of Skyscanner. This tool helps you quickly to find out which low-cost airline is connecting from your city. To book your accommodation in Africa we recommend Or you can use this UK voucher code.

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Brussels to Cape Verde from €160 here. In this case you would depart from Belgium to Sal on 20th of January. Your return flight from this exotic African archipelago back to Europe would be on 26th of January 2018.