Tuesday 22 August 2017

Cheap flights from Dublin to Uganda from €329 round-trip!

Major attraction in Uganda is tracking of mountain gorilla. Best place to go is Bwindi Impenetrable forest where live more than half of the world´s population... In this place you have also great opportunity to spot chimpanzees or rarely seen forest elephants. Ethiopian Airlines are now offering very cheap solution from Dublin to Entebbe already for €329 incl. all taxes and fees and checked bag. For €345 you can book flights with better travel time (one short layover in both directions). 

You have to be a bit flexible thought and be able to depart in few weeks as the lowest option on this route is available when departing till end of October 2017. We recommend you check entry formalities and mandatory vaccination prior booking. You can secure your hotel room in Uganda in advance via Hotels.com. or consider following promo code that offers Booking.comHotelopia or Venere. Below you will find our booking samples as well as few travel date options.

Booking samples
Dublin - Uganda from €329
Dublin - Uganda from €345  (Better flight time)

Travel date samples
28.8. - 11.9.
15. - 25.9.
16. - 30.9.
18. - 28.9.
25.9. - 10.10.
5. - 19.10.
7. - 26.10.
14.- 28.10.
16.10. - 2.11.

Booking sample of cheap flights from Dublin to Uganda from €329 round-trip here. Also as per our booking sample you would fly from IReland to Entebbe, main international airport in Uganda, on 25th of September. Your return flight from Africa to Europe would be then two weeks later on Monday, 9th of October 2017.