Wednesday 24 May 2017

Return flights from Istanbul to Mahé, Seychelles from €376!

Flexible travellers have an alternative option to visit incredible Seychelles. If you do not mind to book two separate tickets and visit Istanbul before you depart to Mahé consider this solution with top ranked Emirates. Based on their service you can now book return flights from Istanbul to Seychelles already for €376. Fare is including all taxes and fees and 20kg checked bag. We recommend this option only if you want to spend at least day or two in Istanbul before you depart to Seychelles. (As you would book two separate tickets).

Emirates promo sale is valid for flights departing from Istanbul to Mahé, Seychelles latest on 30th of June. Max stay 1 month and book by end of May. Lately we posted another interesting deals based on Emirates. Consider to book return flights from the UK to Cebu, Philippines already for £413 or fly from various European cities to Cambodia already from €366.

Booking sample
Istanbul - Seychelles for €400  (Directly with emirates, also compare your travel options there)

If you want to secure your accommodation in Seychelles or Istanbul in advance we recommend service of Consider also promo codes that offers or Amoma.

Booking sample of cheap return flights from Istanbul to Mahé, Seychelles from €376 here. As per our booking sample you would depart from Turkey to this exotic holiday destination on 3rd of June. You would then return from Africa on 11th of June 2017.