Looking for the cheapest solution from Europe to Miami available and do not mind to fly only with hand luggage then consider this newest WOW air promotion called "WOWLYMPICS" now offering up to 50% discount on flights from European cities to Miami, USA. Round trip tickets from Amsterdam, Paris, Berlin, Frankfurt, London, Edinburgh, Dublin, Cork, Copenhagen or Stockholm are now available from €236 or £242! 
If interested in this WOW air sale look for flights in travel period between 5th of April and 22nd of June 2017. This promotional offer is running till tomorrow 27th of March. Below you can refer to our booking sample from each of the European cities.
Booking samples
Booking sample of WOW air Low-cost flights from Europe to Miami from €236 or £242 here. In this case you would depart from Amsterdam to Florida on 3rd of May. Your return flight from America back to Europe would be then on 20th of May 2017.