In case of interest you may book the flights in limited quantity in travel period between September and beginning of December 2015. Since there are plenty of options how to reach Dusseldorf for very low fare this is an interesting option for many travelers within Europe. We recommend to use service of Skyscanner to quickly find out which airlines are available from your hometown. Booking most likely today 30.4.2015 only!
Booking samples
DE - Dusseldorf - Chile for €485
NL - Dusseldorf - Chile for €497
EN - Dusseldorf - Chile for £356
Travel dates - please check here using +- 3 days searching tool.
Booking sample of a round trip flight from Germany to Chile for €486 here. In this case you would be departing from Dusseldorf to Santiago de Chile on 8th of November. Return flight from South America is on 22nd of November 2015.