Tuesday 3 February 2015

Cheap super-last minute flights from Germany to Barbados €331!

Flexible travellers looking for the cheapest solution to change European winter to amazing Caribbean beach has great opportunity thanks to booking server Ltur. Based on service of Air Berlin airline you may fly from Germany already tomorrow to exotic Barbados for just great €331! This time you have to look for last minute flights when departing from Munich..

This is however super-last minute flight deal and you have to be very flexible on your travel dates. Just for one travel date - leaving to Barbados already on 6th of February and returning back from Caribbean on 21st of February 2015. Barbados is true jewel in Caribbean sea with picturesque white sand beaches. If this is a deal of your interest we recommend to book without any delay, just few last seats left for this amazing price. This is indeed the lowest possible deal to this exotic destination in Caribbean. Checked in luggage up to 20kgs is included in the base fare.

In case of booking please visit booking agent Ltur directly.

Booking sample of a flight from Germany (Frankfurt) to Barbados for just €231 here. You would  be departing from Munich to Caribbean already on 6th of February and returning back to Germany on 21st of February 2015.