The cheapest open jaw flights to Cambodia are available when departing either from Paris or Rome. Your return flight has to be then to London or Frankfurt. Currently you may book your open jaw ticket to Phnom Penh already for Ł371 (€465). If interested you may find the cheapest open jaw flights within March 2015. Below you may find the booking samples. We recommend to use Skyscanner to quickly find out the cheapest connection flight from your homecity. Cambodia is also one of the countries on our list of Top exotic destinatinos you can afford.
Booking samples
Paris - Phnom Penh - Frankfurt for €471
Paris - Phnom Penh - London for Ł371 (€465)
Paris - Phnom Penh - Shanghai - Frankfurt for €535
As per above booking sample you may also consider to book stop-over in China (Shanghai) on your return flight and take the advantage of free 72h visa you can get upon arrival in China.
Booking sample of an open jaw flight from Europe to Cambodia for Ł371 here. In this case you would be flying from Paris to Phnom Penh on 13th of March and returning back from Cambodia to London on 27th of March 2015.